Cori Crumrine


It was love at first sight for us and these vibrant hued, sweet inspired ceramics by Ohio based artists, Cori Crumrine!

She has pursued creative ceramic opportunities within the United States and abroadI. In 2015, Cori was selected to be a resident artist at the the Künstlerhaus Stadttöpferei Neumünster in Germany. She earned her MFA from the University of Montana in 2018, where she recognized her desire to pursue teaching. After completing a year of teaching at Unity College in Maine, Cori attended Haystack Mountain School of Crafts as a work study student in the summer of 2019.

Inspired by confectionary forms, she creates organic shapes exploring the attractive and artificial qualifies of food and how it engages the five senses.

Cori explains:

I like to treat my pieces as party guests, engaging them in small talk while overanalyzing their appearance and intentions. This metaphor, impressionistic rather than schematic, allows me to organize my work into a variety of moods & personalities. Each piece emanates an individual curiosity; a need to determine whether it is fresh or stale, benign or noxious, artificial or genuine.

As an object maker, my work is driven by my sweet tooth and informed by my obsession with color. Ultimately, my work is an attempt to harness delight and intrigue using a medley of vibrant colors and confectionary forms. While some are quite lush, others are slightly off-putting, and many tempt your taste buds. The pieces reference a number of familiar forms, yet none are implicit enough for you to create an immediate label.

See more of these colorful beauties here


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