Bussie Parker Kehoe


Is that a pile of flower petals on a beautiful spring day? The meticulously crafted work of Bussie Parker Kehoe uses acrylic paint in an unexpected display, often imitating nature, exploring presence and absence or order.

Bussie Parker Kehoe studied printmaking and drawing at the University of Virginia. Her art practice was put on pause for a time, during which she practiced law, started a family, and taught art to preschool-aged children in Washington DC. After a couple of family moves, the need to create could not be contained any longer and Bussie opened her first studio in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Bussie was able to share some great insight into her work:

I love to tinker with materials in meticulous and unexpected ways—no material or process is off-limits. While tinkering, I am processing my feelings, thoughts, memories, hopes, life experiences; and my art is the language that I use to communicate with others. I think that I communicate more articulately in my artistic language than in my spoken language. Sometimes, while walking outside or driving, an idea strikes me like lightening, but I find that if I try to write that idea down, I cannot find the words. It seems that I can only express that idea in my artistic language.

Currently, I am exploring acrylic paint peels and arranging them on paper or wood in a minimalistic, organic, and bold way. I focus on form and structure first—I intentionally place each acrylic peel so that it connects to and supports the peels surrounding it, which is directly related to my life experience of moving and searching for those connections and support.I love the lack of control when pouring juxtaposed with the meticulous placing of the organic shaped peels. Chaos and order are inherent in this process. It reflects life, where you take what life throws at you and try to make sense of it.

You can find more of her work on her website and on Instagram


Originally published 7/9/2020


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